Maudeling is an Eclipse developed enviroment, based on Maude, that provides several operations for models and metamodel. Among them difference, match, model subtyping, type inference, and other related operations are included. Internally, ATL (the ATLAS Transformation Language) is used by the tool to automatically transform KM3 and Ecore models into their corresponding Maude representations, and then execute the operations.
One of the main advantages of Maude is the possibility of using its execution environment, able to provide efficient implementations of the speciffcations, comparable in resource consumption to most commercial programming languages' environments. Thus we can efficiently execute the specifications of all the model operations described above.
Maudeling v2.0
This new version of Maudeling enables handling EMF models and metamodels, not restricted to those specified with KM3. Current version includes model validation, subtyping and difference related operations.
The main component of the tool is the Maude perspective on which you can find several buttons to perform the corresponding operations (model validation, subtyping and difference related operations). Validation can also be performed using a contextual menu.
To install Maudeling, extract files from to your Eclipse (3.4) configuration plugin folder.
Required Plugins: EMF 2.4, ATL 2.0 and Maude Daemon (with Maude 2.4) are required.
Before running Maudeling the first time, Maude has to be configured. Go to "Windows->Preference...Maude" and set the "Maude binary file" option to the corresponding file, and assign a folder to store the "Temporal files".
Maudeling v1.0
The main components of the tool are the Maudeling Operations view, a set of contextual menus, and the Maudeling console. The Maudeling Operations view has two tabs, one for the unary operations (e.g., type inference), and one for the binary operations (model difference, etc.). From these tabs the user can select the desired operation and its operand(s). In addition, the user can also invoke the operations directly from the contextual menus.
To install Maudeling, extract files from to your Eclipse configuration folder. Currently, Eclipse 3.1, EMF 2.1.2, ATL 2004, Java 5.0 and Maude 2.2 are required. We are working on adapting it to new versions.
Before running Maudeling the first time, Maude has to be configured. Go to "Windows->Preference...Maude" and set the "Maude binary file" option to the corresponding file, and assign a folder to store the "Temporal files".
Ongoing Work
- We are working on high order transformations to be able to transform to Maude not only KM3 and Ecore models, but whatever model conforming to a specific metamodel.
- We are also working on the reverse transformations (from Maude to Ecore) in order for other tools to be able to use the results produced by Maude.